Wednesday, September 2, 2009

i'm getting married!!!

before i get to that, after yesterday's post regarding my commitment to let down my guard, my reading today included this - paul's plea to the corinthians - "... our hearts are open to you. there is no lack of love on our part, but you have withheld your love from us. i am asking you to respond as if you were my own children. open your hearts to us!" (2 cor. 6:11b -13).

'swing' duly noted (read piƱata entry if you don't know what that means).

but the main reason behind two posts in two days came from yesterday's reading:

listen to me, o royal daughter;
take to heart what i say.
forget your people and your family far away.
for your royal Husband delights in your beauty;
honor Him, for He is your Lord!
(psalm 45:10-11)

my royalty is something that has been spoken over me a lot recently, so these verses immediately jumped out at me. if you've been around me much, you've probably heard me say that there is very little of my childhood that i remember. however, after doing a bit of relational history review with God, it occurred to me that pretty much every memory that did come to mind was negative. i guess that explains the laundry list of lies that i've been carrying around for so long.

my prayer is that God will help me to forget my past and the negative influences of the people in it, and truly come to understand my royal identity (see blog title - i'm "God's people", remember!), the delight of my Husband, and the beauty that He sees in me. as long as i am negatively influenced by my past, i am not honoring my Husband or allowing Him to be my Lord, and cannot embrace who He says that i am. in fact, i can't even get married until i believe that i am, indeed, a royal daughter.

i don't know about you, but if i'm being asked to choose between my past and my Husband, i'm getting married!!!

come on, you didn't REALLY believe me, did you? ;)

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