Monday, August 24, 2009

God's pinata ...

God speaks to me through repetition. whenever something happens more than once within a brief window of time, it tends to get my attention. thanks to the witty darren tyler, i call these God-incidences. lately, however, He seems to be bombarding me from every angle with so much repetition that i’m beginning to feel like a piñata. every God-incidence is a ‘swing‘ bringing me one step closer to a greater lesson that God is trying to teach me. i’m thankful to not be the blindfolded one, aimlessly swinging my way through life (even though it may feel that way at times). i’m also thankful to know that God is not blindfolded, but swinging with careful calculation to bring about the desired result at just the right moment (even though it’s hard to believe that at times). it’s SO much fun - hilarious, even - but can also be a bit disconcerting and confusing to get smacked around like this. i have to remember that piñatas were made to be broken, laid bare, their contents shared. as painful as it can be when the piñata finally splits, the tears that spill, while messy, are oh so sweet ... the resulting lesson, oh so worth it.

i’ve been around long enough to know that if i don’t take careful note of these ‘swings’, then their ‘impacts‘ do not have as much power, only prolonging the process. and so, to speed up the ‘spillage’ of this particular lesson, i wanted to document as many of my recent ‘swings‘ as possible, praying that they might serve as a ‘swing‘ in someone else’s life as well. truly, we are all God’s piñatas, packed with sweet potential just waiting to spill out :)

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